Saturday, April 18, 2009

Earth Day Children's Books

Weekly Trip to the Library

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 is Earth Day. This week borrow children's books about respecting the environment when you visit the library. Here are some suggestions.
Recycle A Handbook for Kids
By Gail Gibbons
Ages 4 to 8
Gail Gibbons simply, succinctly, and clearly explains how recycling conserves energy and reduces pollution as it decreases waste. She shows basic steps involved in making new-from-used paper, glass, cans, and plastic: old bottles crushed, and melted, for example, and aluminum cans ground into chips, melted into bars and pressed into thin sheets. The captioned panels and running text stress the need for reducing waste and saving natural resources. The book ends with a mention of the ozone layer and the limited potential for recycling polystyrene, followed by 14 facts about garbage.

Every Day Is Earth Day
By Kathy Ross
Ages 5 to 8
A craft book for children that stresses the need to recycle and reuse things. The crafts range from a bag saver to save plastic bags, to a nest-building supply box for birds, to a talking Earth puppet that kids can use to spread the message about caring for the environment. Clear step-by-step instructions with pictures are given for each craft. Projects are simple enough for young children to be made from recycled and other easy-to find materials. Great book for school and for parent involvement at home.

50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth
By Earth Works Group
Ages 6 to 9
It's easy-to-do and kid-friendly projects show that kids can make a difference, and each chapter is packed with tons of links to groups and resources. What makes this book stand out, though, is that it doesn't just inform kids, it encourages them to make a difference by providing them, their friends and their families the tools to take action.

Earth Book for Kids: Activities to Help Heal the Environment
By Linda Schwartz
Ages 8 to 11
Creative ideas with easy-to-follow instructions show kids how to make their own paper, compare phosphate levels in detergents, test the effects of oil pollution, conduct a recycling survey, create a trash sculpture, redesign a package, chart a flush, measure acidity, and make a difference in many other exciting ways.
The Garbage Monster
By Joni Sensel
Ages 8 to 11
When Jo is slow to take out the trash one evening, the garbage comes to life and hauls her outside instead. The beast threatens mayhem throughout the neighborhood, but Jo is undaunted. She plucks him limb from limb, finding another use for his cardboard head, fibrous fanny, and other various parts. By the time she is done, Jo sees how recycling can be a resourceful way to put the beast back in his place-and make an unpleasant chore more fun. This book brings to life the benefits of recycling and the hazards of a wasteful attitude.
Stop by next Saturday for more book reviews. If you have a book to share email

1 comment:

  1. Childrens book that promote eviromental awareness is great. I support them anyday. Another book I Support is the lovable book The Adventures of Kid Humpty Dumpty. It captured My heart and it will capture yours too. Check it out at
