Friday, April 3, 2009

International Nanny Association Lobbying Effort

INA Lobbying Effort to Increase the Federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

Dear Nannies:

The International Nanny Association (INA) is continuing its lobbying campaign to increase the federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. We received numerous positive responses from INA members, as well as members of Congress, as a direct result of our initial communications last year.

But we still need your help! Now that the election is over and Congress is looking for ways to stimulate the economy and assist working people. The INA encourages you to contact your member of Congress, two Senators, and President Obama to urge them to increase the federal Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. This credit has remained at the same low level for seven years, and doesn't even come close to covering the cost of childcare.

We thank those of you who have spread the word about INA's efforts, and we continue to encourage you to contact both your clients and your nannies, to urge them to write to their members of Congress, Senators, and President Obama. You can visit for a sample letter that can be used as a guide when writing to your legislators.

If you have questions about INA's effort, please contact INA Governmental Affairs Chairperson Bob King, Esq. of Legally Nanny by phone at 714-336-8864 or by email at

Your grassroots lobbying is the most critical component of this lobbying campaign. We urge you, your clients and your nannies to e-mail, write or call your member of Congress, two Senators and President Obama today. Just one contact can make a difference, especially when we join together.

Thank you,The INA Board of Directors

1 comment:

  1. OMG this is great, just what I would love to help with. Years and years of being a nanny and always want to help nannies on a lobbying effort and only found domestic workers united in New york. Reaaly great to see others trying to help nannies and the families they work for. The current credit is laugable. Oh wow, the parents get back a week and a half of my salary as a credit? Just nonsense. I will send send in the letter today. Thanx, Elise, Long Island
