Saturday, June 27, 2009

Affording a nanny

Parents often believe a nanny is too expensive and are surprised by how affordable a nanny can be.

By Michelle Barbee

The best childcare is affordable, convenient, safe, nurturing, and educational and has a low child-adult ratio. Daycare centers, home daycares and nannies can all fit these criteria, but many parents don’t even consider a nanny as a child care option for their children. Parents often believe a nanny is too expensive and are surprised by how affordable a nanny can be.

In some situations, a nanny is the most affordable childcare option. For instance, if a family has three or more young children, a daycare center would be more expensive than a nanny. If a family only needs part-time childcare, a nanny can be less expensive than a daycare center with the added benefit of some light housekeeping. A nanny can also be the most flexible childcare option if you need transportation for your children or if you need extended care.

To read entire article please visit: Affording a Nanny


  1. Oh no I read the rest of the article and the author said Texas nannies will accept $10 an hour. Ouch, that stinks. High school kids make more than that where I live. Granted, that would be cheaper than daycare!
    Glenda, Austin TX

  2. No actually nannies are not cost that much!! They asks for their work!! By the way, have you heard of It really simplifies finding affordable nannies. I used it to find them for my children. Essentially, after I described what I needed on this site, I received several competitive bids from local nannies. I liked the fact that I didn’t have to call around and negotiate with each, and that they actually came to me.

    Austin Nanny & Babysitter Services - Get Bids & Save | MiNeeds
