Friday, November 13, 2009

Child-Orientated Potty Training Method for Nannies and Au Pairs

Potty Training Method One (1)

Yesterday we discussed that nannies and au pairs must follow the potty training method the parents prefer for teaching their child to control their bladder and bowel. There are several popular methods. Over the next week we will discuss the seven most popular potty training methods.

The first method we will describe is the child-orientated potty training method. In this method the child determines when they are ready to be potty trained. By allowing the child to show when she is ready may enable the child to master the acts for herself.

Training must proceed slowly to allow for periods of negativity that are common in this age group. If there is a breakdown at any time during potty training, caregivers are advised to stop and to reassure the child that she is not bad, but will learn when ready.

How to Know a Child is Ready to Start the Child-Orientated Potty Training Method:

  1. Child must be able to sit and walk.

  2. Child must have some understanding of verbal commands.

  3. Child displays psychological readiness such as feeling secure with their caregivers and has a desire to please them.

  4. Parents and caregivers must be ready themselves to deal with outside pressures and anxieties about toilet training, aiming for a relaxed, pressure-free approach.

How to Use the Child-Orientated Potty Training Method:

  1. Around 18-months of age, introduce a potty chair as the child's "own chair." Allow the child to get familiar with it and verbally associate it with the adults' toilet.

  2. Have the child sit on the chair fully clothed when the parent uses the toilet daily. Parents may read or offer treats to the child while he sits but allow the child to leave at will. (Parents may not want their caregivers to go potty in front of their child. Respect their choice of modesty and leave the daily sitting on the toilet alongside the child to immediate family members like the parents or siblings).

  3. After one to two weeks of cooperation, remove the child's diaper and have her sit on the potty. Make no demands nor attempts to do more than sit on the toilet.

  4. When the child is comfortable with the potty and eliminates in his diaper, take the child to the potty, empty the diaper into the toilet, and explain that this is where bowel movements go.

  5. If the child appears to understand, take the child to the potty several times a day.

  6. As interest grows, remove diapers and pants for short periods, place potty nearby and encourage the child to use it at will and independently. Periodic reminders may be given.

  7. If child is progressing then put her into training pants and instruct how to raise and lower the training pants.

  8. After bowel control is obtained, boys can learn to urinate while standing by imitating other males. Nap and night training is left until later if it does not occur simultaneously with daytime control.
Have you tried this method of potty training? Have you found it successful?


  1. awesome advice. I think I have used many of these ideas but not as detailed. Perfect method for potty training. I hope those that punish and/or yell at kids during potty training will look at this article. Great advice.
    Professional Nanny Katie
    Naples Florida

  2. Yes we followed a similar system when potty training a child. The grandmother and friends suggested just removing the diaper and let her run until she was trained. But I agree with the mother's approach which was similar to this because we did't stress the child out. It was all positive reinforcement and no blame for mistakes.

    Nanny Annie, Melrose MA

  3. When a boy is in the bath tub give him a cup to pee in so he can aim into it and see what is happening. Ask him to stop and start so he can learn to control the needed muscles to potty train.

  4. Yuck! Anony comment above, I don't want the boy peeing in his bath water! I think that's a mistake or they might start peeing in the pool and shower. Not good. Only place to pee should be toilet or diaper!

    Have boys aim at cheerios in the toilet bowl or make bubbles in the toilet bowl instead!

    Tonya C. Lincoln Nebraska

  5. Mini M&M's each time she goes potty she gets two or three. If she wipes herself then she gets five.

  6. All I know is train boys sitting down. Since both #1 and #2 tend to come at the same time it is better to teach boys to sit down. My charge saw a boy standing at a urinal and tried at home and the pee made it into the toilet but not the #2.

  7. When you are practicing potty training not only have the child drink water and eat fiber, let the child play with water toys with a bowl of lukewarm water. It will get them to have to go potty.

  8. This style makes complete and total sense. I have heard of parents getting babies to not wear diapers which is just ridiculous.
    I agree that boys should always sit during potty training. Try not to show boys standing up until about to attend elementary school.

  9. TEACH KIDS (and parents unfortuately) TO CLOSE LIDS BEFORE FLUSHING! It's disgusting because it spreads germs! It is unsafe for toddlers! No one wants to see the inside of a toilet!
