Sunday, December 27, 2009

Are You Working New Year’s Eve?

What Nannies and Au Pairs Should Charge for New Year’s Eve
A nanny can charge more when her services are likely to be in higher demand, such as on holidays. We recommend you charge more than your usual rate if asked to work on New Year’s Eve.

First, check your work agreement to see if New Year’s Eve is considered a paid vacation day in your contract. If you are supposed to have New Year’s Eve off then you should definitely ask for time and a half overtime pay or double your standard rate, since it is a holiday.

Ask yourself if you even want to work on New Year’s Eve. If you would rather have the evening off simply say, “I’m sorry I already have plans that evening.”

If you would like to work New Year’s Eve determine the rate you would feel comfortable making. Asking for a higher rate when you haven’t previously is easier said then done. So, prepare yourself ahead of time. Would you like an hourly rate (such as $30 per hour) or would you prefer a flat rate (such as $200 for the night)? The proper response would be, “Yes, I’d love to work for you on New Year’s Eve. I typically charge $30 per hour when asked to work on holidays like New Year’s Eve.” Or, “Since you aren’t sure when the party will end I would be happy to accept $200 for the entire evening.”

According to the The New York Times a decade ago, babysitters were earning up to $100 an hour, some $250 for five hours, with a 13-year old charging $135 per child. If sitters could earn that much ten years ago, nannies can certainly ask for more than the usual rate when working on New Year's Eve in 2009.

If you plan to charge double your typical rate, or a high flat rate, you ought to work hard and be prepared to keep the kids busy. Have fun with the kids by planning activities, crafts, games, and recipes for them to enjoy. By embracing the evening and making it fun for the children the parents will be thrilled to have hired you, even at a higher rate.

This week we will post fun ideas and recipes to do with children when working on New Year’s Eve.
Do you charge more per hour for babysitting on New Year's Eve? How much do you charge?


  1. Too bad I didn't know this earlier. Working Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve has been such a huge pet-peeve for me. Had I thought to charge more to make it worth my while I wouldn't be so angry. I refuse to work those holidays since I was so resentful in the past.

    When I was a live-in I thought it was impossible to say NO when asked to work their Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve party.

    Then when I became a live-out for same family the worst part was the Christmas Eve parties. They would pay me my week, give me my present, and small bonus. Then, they would just ask me to stay a little longer so they could set up for their party. Everyone wants to go home early on Christmas Eve not stay later. Plus, they never ever paid me the hours longer I stayed to help out, on Christmas Eve!!1

    Charging more makes perfect sense and wish I had thought of it myself. I guess if I am in control of rate then I wouldn't be disappointed since it would be worth my time.

    For now, I still always say "NO I am busy," but perhaps will rethink it for the future. Thanks for the idea to simply charge more. Then, the parents can take it or leave it and either way I'll be happy to not work or make a good chunk of change.

    I would say nannies should ask for cash too. Pay me $100 to $200 up front in bills and we'll both be happy.

    Hated Working Holidays
    Philly Suburbs

  2. The only time I worked New Year's Eve was last year for a family with only one son. I never had to negotiate. The mother just asked if I was available and she would pay me $200. I came a few minutes before 8 PM. The son was in pajamas and we watched a movie and ate popcorn and hot chocolate. He went to bed before 10 PM which is special and very late for him. I watched movies until parents came home before 1 AM. She offered $200and I thought that was great. I had nothing better to do anyway.

  3. I just don't know how to ask for more money since I've never asked for more than my normal rate. But I do know how to say NO and because I can say NO I usually do not work holidays because I like my time off.

    How do nannies suddenly ask for a higher rate when working on certain holidays when they have not in the past?

    Career Nanny
    8 Years Experience
    Tarrytown NY

  4. I just charge $20 an hour for New Year's Eve in Yardley PA.

    To nanny above asking how to ask for a higher rate - just ask for higher rate. Say, "To work on New Year's Eve I ask for $20 because other families offer me more for the night."

    Scary at first but you will be happy you said it because the worst that can happen is they will ask if you are serious and decide to ask someone else. I doubt they would ask someone else though.

  5. I don't work Christmas Eve and day or New Year's Eve and day at any cost. Love the time off with friends and family.

    Laura, Mom and Nanny
    Rancho Sante Fe, CA

  6. I always receive double my normal rate on new years eve mostly because I was always supposed to have that night off, so if I work they paid me 2x what I normally make.
    Nanny, Weston Mass.

  7. Ever since I was a teen I charged more on New Year's Eve. Usually flat $20 an hour but now I make $20 an hour as my regular rate but just charge $25 an hour for New Year's Eve. The son is so easy no point in charging more than that.

    If I were hired to work a NYE party then I might ask for more because it's so many kids.

    Professional Nanny
    One 8 Yr Old
    Andrea L.
    New Canaan CT

  8. Nanny from Tarrytown asks "How do nannies suddenly ask for a higher rate when working on certain holidays when they have not in the past?"

    Just do exactly that. New Year’s Eve is the most difficult day to get a babysitter. If they don't want to pay an extra $5 or $10 an hour let them try to find someone else. If they haven't found a sitter by now 12/27 they are probably out of luck for NYE anyway.

  9. There are times I want to go out myself at New Years, especially if I am around family or friends. I will make this known with employers so that stakes can become raised if they really want me.

    If I were to go much higher for my rate, I would also make sure it's making things worthwhile for the kids and family so that they want me back on some other occassion at this higher rate. (Like I have marketed myself as a wedding caregiver or their events where they want a supervisor for the kids.)

    You can have fun with it by looking up things to do at teacher sites, or heading to a party supply store that fit into the theme.

    I'm doing a freebie for my family for my niece's wedding this spring. Big family affair with lots of little kids, so I'll take over with them in a hotel suite after a certain point into the evening. Planning now for it already. Then photos from that will go into my nanny childcare portfolio too.

  10. For Tarrytown nanny asking advice how to ask for more is simply to practice saying what you need to say to a friend. As a nanny you have to stand up for yourself. You need to realize that the longer parents wait to ask for a New Year's Eve sitter, the more they will need to pay. They expect to pay more on that night.

    Grab your friends and practice saying "On in-demand nights (On New Year's Eve night) I charge time and a half."

    You should really be paid time and a half per hour. But if it is a party with several children then a flat rate makes more sense.

    I guess if it's a party and you do great activities you can take photos to add to your portfolio as it seems Lisa may be suggesting.

    But, just be prepared to answer, "To work New Year's Eve I charge $_____."

    BTW: I have never had parents say no to time and half more or a flat rate of $200 for a party with six kids. They won't say no because if they do they won't be going out.

    In my many years experience nannies have to stand up for themselves. You have the right to charge more on holidays. At least where I work parents pay well for holiday babysitting.

    Larissa from Glencoe, Illinois

  11. Honestly, Tarrytown nanny it is perfectly ok to ask for more on NYE. Do not be rude. Do not sound entitled. I can’t imagine the parents saying no. I am perfectly happy with an extra $5 to $10 per hour more than my typical hourly rate. So you don't need to charge ridiculous amounts.

    Think of the parents state of mind. They can hire a high school kid to save some money but where can they find one at this late date? Teen sitters will be hard to find since high school kids want to be at party that night.

    Of course if they are not willing to pay $5 or $10 more an hour you can spend the evening with family and friends or do something more productive like sleep.

    If no amount of money will make you want to work New Year's Eve then just don't. Say you have other plans!

    Miranda Lindsay
    Nanny of 3
    11 Years Experience
    Paradise Valley, Arizona

  12. My boss always has a NYE party. I make at least $750. Honestly, that's reasonable at only $15 an hour per child and I will explain.

    This is my fifth year with them and will be my fifth time working their NYE party. The friends are bringing their kids because we have done it before. The kids and I take over their huge playroom and they arrive in pajamas. We watch movies and play games, and eat the food from party. Kids can see their parents and join the adult party if they want, or play with us.

    I am charging $75 per kid from 8 PM to 1 to 2 AM. That's approx $15 per hour per kid (only $12.50 an hour if they stay until 2 AM).

    The parents that bring their kids typically pay me the $75 directly but my boss can collect the money too.

    If for some reason a couple of parents forget cash or don't pay me directly my boss promises to pay me for 10 kids no matter what since we expect 8 to 14 kids.

    I am assured at least $750.

    The parents often tip me more on top of the $75. So does my boss typically tip me more at the end as well.

    It is very worth my time and money.

    Nannies from other parts of the country may think that's an enormous amount to charge but do you really think $12 to $15 an hour per kid is too much to charge for NYE?

    I am no more expensive for the parents who are guests at the party than if they hired someone else.

    Kimberly L. in Manhattan

  13. I am perfectly fine with an extra $50. Thrilled in fact. Evening babysitting is tv movies and early to bed.

    But now I need to do what Kimberly L. does. I think I will really make it a goal next year and place an advertisment to babysit on New Year's Eve. Simply brilliant to work a party and charge for each kid. Amazing I never thought to do it. Even if it's in the midwest you can make more with a party of ten kids than just one family.

  14. I thought I knew everything about being a nanny and not a whole much more to learn. I have been a nanny for 20 years and never thought to advertise to work on New Year’s Eve. But, Kimberly L. in Manhattan nanny you have inspired me.

    When I was simply babysitting (which was 20 years ago) I just charged my usual rate, but expected and received a generous tip. Now that I am a nanny I have charged double my normal rate and thought I was being savvy.

    But clearly working a party is the way to go. You have my mind spinning. So smart to just have a nanny share with 2 or 3 friends’ kids in one house can make a lot more than with just one family’s kids. More kids is harder, but clearly the money is worth it!!! Thank you so much for sharing your savvy business sense Manhattan nanny!! I really learned something.

    Polly in Lincoln NE

  15. I saw on facebook some nannies are embarrassed about not charging so much for NYE or ashamed or mad (sort of). No one should be upset that some nannies charge more or be embarassed they charge less. I think the article and comments are inspirational. I never thought to ask for more and am a dummy but that's ok. Thanks for sharing it has taught me a lot.

  16. Silly me never thought to charge more. I read/sensed defensiveness on facebook too.

    It doesn't matter if you make just a little bit more than normal rate if you are satisfied. I'm thrilled to learn I can charge more at all. Never even thought of it.

    Wow, I must rethink how to work holidays.

    Another question: does anyone actually get time and half overtime rate as a nanny?

  17. I never work for my full time job family anymore because it upset me to work and not be invited to party they were having. I have worked for a family with one girl though 3 yrs in row and $150 for night. I am happy with that.

  18. I charge $150 2 kids in Atlanta Georgia.

  19. ABC Nannies in Denver put out that the rate for New years would be $18 to $20 per hour. The rate for a normal temp job is $12 to $14 per hour.

  20. I'm working for my regular family and will be getting my normal hour rate. After reading this I regret my decision.

  21. I charge about $100 on New Years eve. I usually start at about 7 PM and stay until 1 or 2 am. The kids go to bed around 9 PM and I pretty much watch TV all night. That’s about $14-15 an hour but I think nannies in other parts of the country make more money. I’m fine with it.

  22. Kimberly L. from New York City makes the most of these comments at $750. But the author of this newsletter posted the question on other chat boards and there are dozens more answers.

    A nanny from Michigan seems to make the most at $900.

    "I charged for a group kids party one year $50 a kid time from 6pm-10am I had 18 kids and it worked well thinking of doing it again this year."

    50 x 18 = $900!!
    in Michigan? Wow!

  23. This is Cheryl from Westport CT and I feel like a complete dope for not charging more for holiday work. Worst part is I am going to babysit NYE for my former jobs kids when they only paid me $13 an hour for 3 young kids. Now at full time job I make about $19.50 an hour. I am a dope acceipt $13 for NYE.

  24. As a mom, trying to get a sitter for New Year's Eve is a nightmare and you need to line something up months in advance and I always pay my sitters twice their normal rate, and I can always guarantee a minimum of 5 hours or $100 depending on their rate. It's worth it. Sounds like the parents are lucky to hire an experienced nanny rather than a high school kid too.

  25. I have a different schedule than most. I work Tues thru Sat and noon to 8PM each of those days. I am contracted to work on Thanksgiving (but the next day off), until 8PM New Year's Eve and to work New Year's Day. So, if I stay late New Year's Eve they will pay me more. But my schedule is different than most and I don't mind. I don't make more for holidays but get ten weeks paid vacation (sometimes more) so I cannot complain and I agreed to this schedule and love the job anyway.

  26. Nice article. I've been unable to find New Year's Eve work the past few years.

  27. Thank you for posting this. I never thought to charge more!!! I will definitely try to get hired now for NYE to make more cash! On another chat site you posted this article on some ladies are making more in one night than in their normal week! I saw numbers like $950. I obviously could put up with a few hours of controlled chaos with overtired kids and parents for that money. It's just a night. $950!! Awesome!

    Nanny Abbie
    Suburb Seattle

  28. I charge just a flat rate for New Years Eve care I usually charge $100.00- $125 it all depends on the start time which I usually say the earliest I will arrive is 7 and the latest is 9 and if I overnight its $200.00! I know that may seem pretty steep but I feel like if I am giving up my NYE and NYD I want to make a lil money off of it. Surprising a lot of my previous families jump at the opportunity to have me come back for NYE and dont have a problem with them paying. I just recently moved to Atlanta and I had a family I used to work for offer to fly me back to Chicago just so I could work NYE weekend for them. I had a family I interviewed with way back in October here in Atlanta call and ask me to sit for them NYE b4 my other family put there bid in, but they say they got me down for 2010 NYE. LOL (Not leaving name this time)

  29. I am working for a family that I did a night nanny job for. I am making $22 a hour (normal rate is $16). The kids are sleeping and it's not midnight and I'm surfing the web. Better to be inside making money while surfing web then get drunk and drive tonight. Safer and more profitable and under-the-table for tonight.

  30. Here are some New year celebration ideas for office that provide the opportunity for employees and staff to connect on a personal level while participating in fun work party activities that are great for a large group setting.
