Saturday, January 23, 2010

Book Reviews for Nannies and Au Pairs Concerned About BPA

Weekly Trip to the Library: Feeding Baby Green and Raising Baby Green

In photo, Dr. Alan Greene, author of Feeding Baby Green and Raising Baby Green has a balanced approach to reducing BPA in children's diets.

Yesterday we asked nannies and au pairs if they have thrown out baby bottles that are not BPA free. To continue the discussion of reducing children’s exposure to BPA we recommend two books by Dr. Alan Greene, a leading voice of the green baby movement.

Dr. Greene is a Stanford pediatrician and author of the popular web site He has been concerned about the effects of BPA on children for years. Dr. Greene truly believes that reducing BPA exposure could lead to healthier children in the future. Below are short reviews of two of his wonderful, easy-to-use guides for feeding and raising babies organically.

Feeding Baby Green: The Earth Friendly Program for Healthy, Safe Nutrition During Pregnancy, Childhood, and Beyond
By Alan Greene

This book offers caregivers green choices for feeding children from when they are in the womb through toddler years. It includes advice on how to transform a baby's eating habits that will positively impact their health and development for the rest of their lives. Dr. Greene has included everything caregivers needs to know about creating healthy, nutritious meals that help avoid childhood obesity, and prevent childhood disease.

The book explains how what a mother eats during pregnancy effects her baby's health and eating habits for years after birth. It provides a guide to "green" feeding for babies from pregnancy to toddlers. The book is filled with practical tips and advice for selecting and preparing earth friendly meals for babies. The author shows the health benefits for babies who eat "green" with innate nutritional intelligence.

Raising Baby Green: The Earth-Friendly Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Care
By Alan Greene

In this book, Dr. Alan Greene teams up with a consumer health reporter, an author of parenting books, and consumer advocate Jeanette Pavini. She includes information for making smart choices and applying green principles and specific recommendations for hundreds of products. to They include everything from choosing the best diapers to selecting nontoxic nursery paint and organic baby food is offered along with common sense advice about diaper rash and food allergies.

He also shares his own childhood eating habits and takes a nonjudgmental approach, offering specific brand suggestions for organic baby formulas knowing that some mothers need that option. Parents of picky eaters will especially appreciate the tips for engaging toddlers in new flavors and aromas.

Tomorrow we will post an article by Dr. Alan Greene about BPA in baby bottles.

Have you thrown out plastics with BPA in them yet?


  1. I threw out some water bottles in my own home. But at work, we haven't thrown out BPA products yet. The parents want to wait a few weeks and see what comes out in the media. They think it's just the big new craze that will die down soon. Personally, I want to throw them out though. What can I do though it is their home, their products, their kids?

    I won't post names to embarrass family. Nanny, Household Manager, Personal Assisitant

  2. All plastic bottles are not “toxic.” Pediatrician said you never want to put any plastic in the microwave. Always warm the baby’s bottle in hot water and then shake it really well.
    Julie M, Memphis

  3. After all this, the manufacturers are still allowing BPA to be in their Baby Bottles! How many little lives should they be able to affect with such chemicals???

  4. Avent, Disney First Years, Gerber, Dr. Brown, Playtex and Evenflow — have all agreed to stop using BPA in their baby bottles and baby products. That's in the future.

    Problem is figuring out which ones have BPA or not NOW. I agree with comments yesterday about FDA taking control and making laws to clearly label all bottles and dishware if BPA-free of not.

  5. I want to tell other nannies that I love this book because my mom boss gave it to me and we use it together. The book reduces food battles because it trains kids to to like the foods we want them to eat. Worth reading!
    Nanny Jenny in Tarrytown NY

  6. I almost threw out a game yesterday I was playing with a child because I saw a triangle with the number 7 in it on the bottom of the game.

    Think we are being overly concerned?

  7. I recycle and am concerned about global warning. But I work for pediatricians that are not overly concerned about being organic. They insist there ARE NO STUDIES PROVING chemicals vs organic grown make a difference.

    But now with this study they agree get rid of these plastics.

    Basically follow your instincts.
    Cassie in Naples Florida

  8. These are one of those things nannies have to step back from. Make your case to the parents but ultimately it is up to them. Like organic foods, high cholesterol foods, sugars, you can have your opinion and eat how you feel is appropriate but cannot force your views on the parents. Sad but true.

    Colleen, Darien CT
