Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to Create Officers for a Nanny Support Group

Photo of members of the Association of DC Area Nannies attending Nannypalooza educational conference.

This week we are discussing nanny support groups as educational and social forms of support for nannies. Once you and a few other core nannies have started a nanny support group and other caregivers start joining the group it is recommended to delegate the work so no one person gets overwhelmed with too much work.

Appointing officers helps delegate responsibilities of the group. Nanny groups can create elected or appointed positions as needed.

Some common officer positions include: President, Moderator, Chairman, Founder, Secretary, Treasurer, Playgroup Director, Contact Person, Public Relations Director, Membership Chairman, Educational Liaison, and Newsletter Editor.

Playgroup Director:
Joyce Farmer, a nanny and former member of the folded nanny group National Association of Nannies wrote an article about nanny support groups. Ms. Farmer wrote, [When] starting a new group in a large city, you may want to designate one of your officers to be a Playgroup Director. While offering to set up playgroups initially inside the nanny group, it may then develop into a convenient service to the community."

She continues, "This lets mothers and caregivers know of new opportunities to meet with children of the same age group as their own. There are some areas where nanny/charge playgroups are needed, and others where nanny/charges may intermingle with mothers/children in playgroups. It is a decision that the participants will need to make before signing up, according to what each feels comfortable with."

Contact Person:
A contact person acts a great liaison for the group when it needs to communicate with another group or business. For example, if nanny support groups want to enlist local nanny agencies to participate in group events, the liaison can contact businesses and the business can respond to that contact person. Ms. Farmer further points out that a contact person may be the only leader needed for an informal group like a playgroup.

Educational Liaison:
An Educational Liaison may be in charge of contacting schools or educators to obtain speakers for meetings.

Public Relations Director:
A Public Relations Director typically handles all group contact with the public. Ms. Farmer says the responsibility of this officer is to establish and maintain contact with local newspapers, radio stations, and television stations to advertise information about the group and the group's events. The PR Director should prepare the group’s brochure, newsletter, member resource guide, flyer, and other printed resources used to promote the group updated and current.

Membership Chairman:
Ms. Farmer says the, "Membership Chairman should handle all membership duties: signing up new members and distributing new member packets, implementing membership drives, and keeping a current roster of all members."

She continues, "The Membership Chairman may be responsible for making sure dues are paid and memberships are current. They provide the newsletter editor with current mailing list."

Newsletter Editor:
Newsletters are a great way to keep members informed about nanny groups. In her article Ms. Farmer describes the Newsletter Editor as responsible for typing, printing, and distributing the group’s newsletter. She explains that the editor chooses the newsletter content. The editor may seek advertisers to pay for the newsletter. The newsletter can be handed out at meetings, mailed via postal mail to members' street addresses, or inexpensive email newsletters can be sent to members' email addresses.

Tomorrow on the Best Nanny Newsletter Blog: Ideas for Nanny Support Group Meetings and Activities.

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