Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What to Expect at a Nanny Conference?

Gaining a Renewed Sense of Purpose

By Sue Downey, National Association for Nanny Care

Photo Credit Nannypalooza

If you have not attended a nanny conference before you might not know what to expect. You may wonder what will you have to talk about. If you are an experienced childcare provider you may feel that you do not have much to learn. If you are newer to the nanny industry it might be intimidating to come to a large conference.

At a nanny conference, depending on the size, you will get to choose workshops. These will range in scope from specific information on childcare, to general information about working with parents. At a nanny conference, you will also get to choose workshops on working in the home and being a working part of the family.

You will also get the chance to network by meeting other in-home childcare professionals. This can be done casually over coffee, or in between educational workshop sessions. There are often networking events in which everyone wears a name tag and everyone that attends is there for the purpose of meeting others.

As with many things in life, a conference is what you put into it. The best approach to get your money’s worth is to come prepared and get involved.

Tips for having a great nanny conference experience:

  1. Look over the materials before you get there.

  2. Decide which workshops will be of value to you -- not only in your current position but also in the future.

  3. Create a schedule of what workshops you would like to attend.

  4. Determine which evening social outings or networking breaks you might like to join in.

  5. Bring some business cards, paper, and a pencil so you can meet others and share your contact information.

  6. When you get to the conference, get involved. This is no time to be shy! Ask questions and engage the speakers. If you are at a conference like NAEYC, there are thousands of people. Talk to everyone! You never know where a great idea or important contact will come from.

One of the best perks about attending a conference is that when you return to work you will be overflowing with new and creative ideas. Things you want to try with the kids as well as new ways to approach issues with your employers.

A good nanny conference experience will make you feel proud of the work you are doing as well as inspire you to new and greater heights! And make sure to save the names of workshops you attended and the certificate of attendance for your nanny portfolio.

Tomorrow: About Nannypalooza -- Nannies Across America

What have you gained from attending nanny conferences?


  1. No parent ever asked me if I attended conferences or workshops but they did look at my college courses.

  2. I enjoy going to nanny/childcare confernces. And have attended many NAEYC conferences and workshops.
    All were top notch!
    I've also attended conferences hosted by INA and NANC- and had a wonderful time meeting nannies and agency owners, as well as, other nanny related business owners.
    I love being an active part of the nanny industry. Since I have meet so many, I now have countless names for all sorts of situations that I can easily contact.

    It's great to pick the brains of others who have been in the nanny/childcare/teaching profession for many years.
    I don't think I'd still be a nanny without the outstanding support I've rec'd from getting out and meeting everyone. Some I know, will be life-long friends.

    ~Andrea- Professional Career Nanny, Northern, NJ

  3. Great advice! Seriously you really only get what you put into anything! So true! You should make a bullet list for everything in life like this!
    Reyna H NY

  4. I think parents often don't ask if we've been to nanny conferences because so many parents simply are not aware that such things exist. Most of my employers have been pretty surprised when I have mentioned nanny organizations/conferences/trainings...pleasantly surprised, but surprised anyway. I think as more and more nannies get involved and start putting in on their resumes that more and more parents will be aware and start to ask. Or, at the very least, use it as a silent criteria.

  5. Employers don't ask if you've been to nanny conferences because they don't see in-home child care as a real job with real, professional organizations, events and learning opportunities.
    This is a big part of why nannies should attend and support nanny conferences. Conferences - as well as credentials or certifications - help others see in-home child care as a real profession instead of something a person with no qualifications does until she can find a real job.
    If your employers don't ask about professional conferences, you should tell them. If it isn't on your resume/application, it should be.

  6. good points Jenn yet I can't get any of my friends to go to any workshops or nanny support group meetings with me. the aupair industry has much more social caregiving networks.
