Monday, October 4, 2010

Finding a Nanny Job in a Tough Economy

Do You Have Your CPR/First Aid Certification?

Last week we started discussing how to find a nanny job in a tough economy. First we recommend that you don't put all your eggs in one basket. When looking for a nanny job use all methods available including using a reputable nanny placement agency, nanny web sites, and word-of-mouth referrals.

Next, we recommend creating a stand out resume. To see how to do that please click here.

We also explained why it is so important to procure great job references. Parents and agencies put a lot of weight on references. They cannot learn whether you have a great attitude on a resume, they gain a sense of your enthusiasm and positive demeanor from your references. Do your best to acquire written references that can be read many years after you have lost track of the family. To learn more about getting references please click here.

Our next advice is to get CPR/First Aid Certified. The nanny placement agencies that took our October, 2010 monthly poll said one of the things nanny candidates are most lacking is in safety training and certification.

Even if you took a class in CPR/First Aid a few years ago you must update your certification every two-years. Luckily, finding courses are easier than ever. First check out where the American Red Cross has training in your area by clicking here .

You can also contact your local hospital for CPR/First Aid training and certification and there are even some courses online.

Although the children's safety is a nanny's number one priority, there are still nannies that don't have their CPR/First Aid certification. Before you apply for nanny jobs be sure your CPR/First Aid certification is current.

Is your CPR/First Aid certification current?


  1. I have infant and adult CPR/First Aid certification. The worst thing you could do though is lie about it when looking for a job. Better to say I have been certified but it must be renewed because that's a way they can catch you in a lie.

  2. You can sometimes find Cpr training at YMCAs. Yes mine is current.

  3. Actually I don't because I'm waiting for the parents to pay for the training course to get certified. I don't think I should have to pay for it.
    Kelly, Providence RI

  4. I do have CPR First Aid certification but you would be surprised that MOST nannies do not. At least of my friends none of them have the certification. I think it's completely reasonable Kelly to have the parents help pay for the cost.

  5. Yep I have my certification and I included in my negotiations when writing up our work agreement that the family will help pay for it. I can't imagine parents saying NO to helping pay for your cpr first aid certification which will help protect their children. Just ask.

  6. Nope I am not and ought to do that.

  7. I have done it every two years.
    I feel so empowered knowing I can help save a life. If you have not gotton re-certified for a few years- you should- as some of the methods have been re-finded.

    Since it's the only training nannies are required to have- why not invest in your career- for your own peace of mind?

    The class is about $65- if you can find it at a local Red Cross or American Heart or Hospital or FireHouse, etc. and get a group together you can find it for even less - or call around to your local nanny agencies.

    I strongly feel anyone caring for children needs to have at least CPR and 1st Aid Training.

  8. I agree that all nannies should have this and you are more marketable if you have the certification. I'm dumb for not have done this already.

  9. Health experts strongly recommend CPR Class CPR training for teenagers and adults, especially parents and other people who are responsible for watching over children. Classes are offered at many organizations and can be found in most communities for minimal cost or sometimes for free.
