Thursday, October 28, 2010

Making a Web Site for Your Nanny Resume

Marketing Yourself for a Great Nanny Job in a Tough Economy

We have been discussing how to find a nanny job in a tough economy. Now that more nannies use nanny web sites to find nanny jobs than any other method it's time for job seekers to use the Internet to market themselves. This week we have discussed how to use social networks to find nanny jobs. Today, we highly recommend creating a web site for your resume. You can link to your resume web site on all social networks.

Although you want to list specific job duties in the resume you must not include specific information about any of the families that have employed you. Until you are certain you want a job you should not share any contact information about references or the families you have worked for, especially on the World Wide Web.

Avoid posting personal information on your web site along with your resume information. Personal information, such as religion, ethnicity, and political opinions, can possibly jeopardize your chances at finding a job.

Keep the layout simple. Avoid bright, clashing colors, and crowded images. A simple, clean layout looks more professional than a cluttered one.

Click here to learn more about creating a nanny resume.

1. Register your domian name. When making a web site to market yourself, first you must register a domain name. Several companies like Yahoo and Homestead offer free domain names. Free domain name companies often include the company name as part of the web site link and require you to use them as your host as well. If you want to consider registering your own domain name since it is relatively cheap, and gives your web site a professional appearance, you can register your domain name with several domain name registrars online. One of the most popular options being

2. Choose a web host. Search for the web host that will most accommodate your needs, including reliability, speed, amount of advertisements, bandwidth, and file space. Most likely if you only using your web site to post your resume, you won't need a large amount of space. Free web hosting services, including Homestead and Geocities, have more advertisements than paid web hosting.

3. Design your layout. You can either hire a professional web designer to create the layout to your web site or design it yourself. There are free tools to help you design your layout, such as Dreamweaver CS4, and several free design layouts and design tutorials are available online.

4. Add your resume. Your resume should be on the first page of your web site for easy access. Don't forget a photo of yourself on the home page too. If you have difficulty organizing your resume, there are several resume builders that can assist with organizing your resume for placement on your web site, including, which instantly formats your information into already prepared templates.


  1. I searched the Internet and there are quite a few nannies with web sites and I must admit they look professional. I think that this really must help them stand out since the parents will see what you want them to see. So few nannies do it that it would really help market like you describe. I am going to try to work on this over the weekend1

  2. I have been considering doing this for a long time. It's a good idea because then we can control what others see about us, really great for marketing. I remember in resume classes they say nannies should put their photo on top of the resume to stand out. Well this is even better.

  3. Finding a nanny job online can be very competitive. The benefits of the job, however, make it totally worth it. Thank you so much for the great advice!

  4. Firstly i was surprised to see this name Nanny Resume..thanks for sharing this ..

    Nanny Resume Format

  5. What a great idea. It would be better to have my own site rather than just being on in a format everyone else has too. Point well made they we can control the info we include on the web site. Parents can access it 24/7. Luv it!
