Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December To-Do List


This is the season when it is customary to wish to others the best of all gifts: Peace.

The word "peace" can take on many meanings. Peace can mean: acceptance, serenity, tranquility, quiet confidence, and wisdom. Peace is not agitation, rage, yelling, unlimited stress, or violence.

It is difficult for childcare providers to instill all the traits of "peace" in a child while driving from school to soccer practice. But you can model a peaceful affect (peaceful mood, feeling, and emotion) every day.

The "To-Do" for this December is to provide quiet for yourself and the kids in your care. There are times when you and/or the children may need privacy and solitude. Being away, even for a short time, from the noise and seasonal stresses may be just what a child needs to relax and to maintain proper standards of behavior. Not a "time-out," but a "time-away;" not a punishment, but a respite.

The smallest space can be made into a private space for a child. A tablecloth over a chair can be a tent, a box can be a house, or a piece of tape on the floor can make a corner of a room into a privacy zone. Just playing or reading alone in their bedroom can provide peace and solace to a child too. Of course, you still must be able to observe the child.

And for the holiday season, and always, we wish peace to you, yours, and to all children. And, when needed, quiet too.


  1. Kids love forts! When my charge gets hyper a "time away" with quiet is perfect. He's too old for a nap and saying nap is a curse word. I have found that quiet reading books on CD in his bed recharges his batteries.

  2. I think the kids really do feel our stress. We need to try to embrace the holiday not the commercialism. Kids really don't care if they get more than a dozen gifts. Sure they want a few gifts but what they really love are being with their family, loved ones, food on the table, traditions. We must model enjoying the the season more than rushing to get too much done.
