Sunday, December 19, 2010

Product Review Sunday

Farm Animal Glove Puppets by Constructive Playthings

This Christmas I am giving the one-year old I care for these adorable puppets. They are made of the softest material, in cute colors, with happy expressions. There are no eyes made out of beads that can pop-off and become a choking hazard. You need to supervise when a child under two-years old uses the horse though since the mane is made of thread that can easily be chomped on and become a choking hazard.

These puppets fit like a glove, have 9-inch plush bodies, and precious personalities come alive with finger movements. They are surface washable. I just think they are the cutest puppets and know we'll have tons of imaginary fun playing with these adorable puppets. See below for other puppet options for older children.

Royal Puppet Play by Constructive Playthings
"Once upon a time" is just the beginning with this royal cast on hand. The full-bodied Prince, Princess, Wizard, and Dragon puppets are generously stuffed, easy to work, and regally designed to inspire original storytelling. A friendly Frog adds extra puppet pageantry. Surface washable. But these puppets are recommended for ages 3 yrs + due to a choking hazard.

There is still time to buy books as a gift for your charges. Click here for our book suggestions.
Stop by next week for another Product Review Sunday for nannies and au pairs.
What did you get your charges for the holidays?


  1. I got the Little People doll house for the girl and the Little People farm for the boy. So cute, I can't wait to play with them too.

  2. I got them books with matching pajamas.

  3. Tickets to the Nutcracker. I've given scrapbooks, photo albums, and toys in the past. This is the best by far!
    Atlanta GA

  4. I took pictures of the kids and framed them for Mom and Dad. I picked one toy from each kids Santa list. Marshmallow bow and arrow for oldest son, nerf gun for middle son, a craft project for middle daughter, and dolly for youngest daughter. And if that doesn't sound like much it is! I bought all these gifts for them and that's a lot of gifts!!

  5. CD'- Milkshake-Happy Songs!
