Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nannies Do You Know How to Report Child Abuse?

Do You Remember the Mother Who Used Hot Sauce to Discipline Her Child on Dr. Phil? She's Been Convicted of Child Abuse!

Click here to see article.

If suspect child abuse each state has different reporting agencies. The International Nanny Association has listed those agencies by state as well as the phone number. If your state is not listed, or if you are calling from a different state other than the child resides, call Childhelp, 800-4-A-Child (800-422-4453).

Here are the general definitions of child abuse by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

Physical abuse is physical injury as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, hitting (with a hand, stick, strap, or other object), burning, or otherwise harming a child, that is inflicted by a parent, caregiver, or other person who has responsibility for the child. Such injury is considered abuse regardless of whether the caregiver intended to hurt the child. Physical discipline, such as spanking or paddling, is not considered abuse as long as it is reasonable and causes no bodily injury to the child.

Neglect is the failure of a parent, guardian, or other caregiver to provide for a child's basic needs. Neglect may be:
Physical (e.g., failure to provide necessary food or shelter, or lack of appropriate supervision)
Medical (e.g., failure to provide necessary medical or mental health treatment)3
Educational (e.g., failure to educate a child or attend to special education needs)
Emotional (e.g., inattention to a child's emotional needs, failure to provide psychological care, or permitting the child to use alcohol or other drugs)

Sexual abuse includes activities by a parent or caregiver such as fondling a child's genitals, penetration, incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, and exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials.

Emotional abuse (or psychological abuse) is a pattern of behavior that impairs a child's emotional development or sense of self-worth. This may include constant criticism, threats, or rejection, as well as withholding love, support, or guidance. Emotional abuse is often difficult to prove and, therefore, child protective services may not be able to intervene without evidence of harm or mental injury to the child. Emotional abuse is almost always present when other forms are identified.

Abandonment is now defined in many States as a form of neglect. In general, a child is considered to be abandoned when the parent's identity or whereabouts are unknown, the child has been left alone in circumstances where the child suffers serious harm, or the parent has failed to maintain contact with the child or provide reasonable support for a specified period of time.


  1. No matter what a child does they should never be treated the way this woman treated her son. No child is perfect. Some just don't want to listen, others are spoiled, and others have emotional problems. She should have had hot sauce put in her mouth and thrown in a cold shower. She deserves to be punished for what she did. Makes me want to cry.

  2. I distinctly remember nannies rationalizing and supporting this mother and Dr Phil the first time you posted about this lady!! I can't seem to find the link now but it's disgusting. Discipline NEVER REQUIRES any harm at all. No hitting, no yelling, no demeaning necessary.

    I took child care classes and we were told those who hurt or yell at others are not in control themselves! I see too many nannies yelling at kids! Stop it now!

  3. There is something very wrong with this parent. No one in their right mind would abuse their child in this way and then send the film to a talk show for help? This child was adopted which makes it even worse. Why did she take on this responsibility if she couldn't handle it?

  4. It's just disgusting. What took them so long to punish her?! It's been going on forever!

  5. Make sure that you know how to report and what to report in your state. Each state has different places you report to and what to report. PLEASE for the life of a child make sure that you know.
    There are agencies in most states that will give you training on child abuse for free or a reduced rates.

  6. I don't think it's easy to report abuse. I worked for a family that was very neglectful. They didn't have enough food for the kids. But everyone I spoke with said the fact they hired me proved they weren't neglectful. You will lose your job too. It is complicated.

  7. Hot sauce is a food, why is it considered abuse? When I was a kid my parents used dish soap for lying. It's not a food. Hot sauce does not harm a child in any way. Kids are becomming more and more disrespect­ive and out of control since they started preaching against spankings. I am all for lecturing and time outs if they work. Probelm children need other methods and hot sauce is a food.

  8. Anonymous, that is insane. Hot sauce DOES hurt. It burns the mucus membranes. It's acidic. That excuse has been used before with this case and is absurd.

  9. The Mom submitted a tape to Dr. Phil showing her not only hot saucing her son's mouth but giving him a cold shower as well. Perhaps the hot sauce incident alone isn't enough to be considered child abuse by some, but taken into context with the cold shower, I think the woman is a certifiabl­e. The fact that her husband is a cop makes me wonder if special considerat­ion was given to her case. Child protection should remove all children from that house.

  10. We are mandated reporters IMO April. The link in the article to INA is the contact info we need. No excuse if we suspect abuse make the call.

  11. It is to report, and one can do it anonymously. I have unfortunately on more than one occassion.

    As my BILs in law enforcement pointed out, I saw something, and if something to those kids and it got out that I as a caregiver looked the other way it could impact my reputation too. NOT only that be children were in danger.

    I personally don't care for any parent who uses a technique that I could be prosecuted for as a caregiver.

  12. I definitely enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post.
