Thursday, September 29, 2011

Enjoying Autumn With Kids

What Does Autumn Smell Like?

We have been discussing ways for kids to learn about Autumn using their senses. Autumn smells like the first fire in the fireplace, apple pies, and beeswax candles on the dinner table as night’s darkness falls earlier and earlier. Help kids identify smells like fireplaces and bonfires, pickling spices, and cinnamon and nutmeg

Blindfold Smell Game:
This fun game is an excellent way to stimulate children's sense of smell. Collect strong smelling ingredients that remind you of autumn such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, and pine. Have the children close their eyes (or use a blindfold to cover their eyes) and hold up one item to their nose at a time. See if they can identify the scent.

Sniff, Sniff: A Book About Smell by Dana Meachen Rau

This is a young science book that teaches kids about the sense of smell and how it affects the body. This book certainly is not appropriate for infants but some preschoolers and certainly school-aged children will enjoy the book.

Are You Ready for Fall? By Sheila Anderson

Leaves are changing colors. The days are getting cooler. Farmers harvest crops. It's time to carve a pumpkin! Do you know what season is here? It's fall! What else happens in fall? Read this book to find out!

Now It's Fall? By Jeanie Lee

My toddler loves flap books and books she can touch. With this book you will see what changes occur when summer turns into fall. Just pull the bottom of each page and watch the images magically transform! The leaves change color and fall off trees, berries are gathered and baked in pies, pumpkins are transformed into jack-o'-lanterns, and more!

1 comment:

  1. Love this blindfold game will do it today! Great idea. THX
