Thursday, July 5, 2012

10 Signs You Hired the Right Nanny

How Do You Show the Parents You Love Your Nanny or Au Pair Job?
Guest post by Hire a Nanny

You’ve made the decision to hire your nanny and it’s her first real day on the job. As you prepare to warmly welcome her into your home and your family, your mind is flooded with questions. Did you make the right hiring decision? Is your nanny going to be as good as you thought? Will your children love her as much as you hope for?

As you move forward with your nanny relationship and are seeking confirmation that you’ve made the right choice, look for these 10 signs that you’ve hired the right nanny for your family.

1. Your nanny shows a genuine love and interest in your children. At the end of her day, is your nanny excited to tell you the things they did during their time together? Does she smile as she shares your child’s newest accomplishment? Does she greet your child with a huge hug on Monday morning? Nannies who have a genuine love and interest in the children in their care can’t hide it. They dole out affection, glow when they talk about the children and care about the children’s overall health and happiness.

2. Your nanny sees safety as a priority. Does your nanny show good judgment when it comes to suggesting activities for your child? Does she point out any safety concerns in the home, like outlets that are missing covers? Does she let him take age appropriate risks, like climbing the toddler slide, but provide adequate supervision and support? Does she keep her CPR and first aid certification current? Does she take your child’s allergies seriously? If you can answer yes to these types of questions, chances are you’ve chosen a nanny that sees your child’s safety as a priority.

3. Your children are excited to greet your nanny and are even sometimes sad when it’s time to say goodbye. Does your child wait by the door for your nanny to arrive? Cry when she leaves at the end of the day? Does your child seem happy and well adjusted? When your children enjoy being around your nanny and look forward to spending time with her, it is always a good thing.

4. Your nanny has the children’s respect. Do your children heed your nanny’s discipline? If your nanny reminds your child that hands are for throwing balls and hugging, not for hitting, does he listen? Does your child seem sad or concerned when he disappoints your nanny by making a bad behavior choice, like throwing his food on the floor? A nanny who has earned your child’s respect is able to do her job effectively, offering guidance to your child as he tests boundaries and pushes for complete independence.

5. Your nanny engages the children in age-appropriate activities. Do your children do more than watch TV when they are with your nanny? Does your nanny engage in age-appropriate activities that stimulate social, physical, emotional and intellectual growth and development? Do you come home to art projects or castles built of blocks? Does your nanny ensure that your children spend time outdoors each day when the weather is appropriate to be outside? If your nanny can engage and not just entertain your children, you’ve likely made a good hiring choice.

6. The nanny/family fit feels right. Do you feel comfortable around your nanny? Does your nanny appear comfortable in your home? Do you feel good about your nanny? Don’t dismiss your intuition. If everything else seems right and being around your nanny feels right, chances are you’ve selected the right nanny for your family.

7. Your nanny is a team player. Is your nanny a team player? Is she flexible and cooperative? Does she share feedback and make suggestions that may be in the best interest of your child, knowing you may not agree? Successful nanny/employer relationships require lots of give and take. When everyone is on the same team it helps ensure success.

8. Your nanny is reliable and dependable. Does your nanny show up on time? Does she follow through with your requests? Can you count on her to do what she says? A good nanny values the trust of her employers. Being reliable and dependable helps to build that trust.

9. Your nanny is a solid role model. Is there anything your nanny does that you hope your child will never do? Does anything about your nanny’s character or behavior concern you? Your nanny spends enough time with your child that she will be influential in his development. If you have no concerns about her being a role model to your child, you’ve likely made a good choice.

10. You and your nanny are able to communicate effectively. Good communication is essential to having a good nanny and employer relationship. Does your nanny give you feedback about your children? Does she ask for guidance or clarification when needed? Does she address issues as they come up, rather than let them fester? If the lines of communication are open, you likely have a lasting nanny and employer match.

Having second thoughts on your hiring decision is like having cold feet before your wedding. It happens more than we’d like to admit. If you have done all of your homework and carefully screened and interviewed your nanny, you have done all you can to ensure that you have hired the right nanny for your family. As you move forward, use the ten signs above to secure confirmation that you’ve made the right choice.

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