Friday, July 6, 2012

Being the Best Nanny: Are You Arrogant or Humble?

Keeping Your Humility in Check

Our monthly to-do list this month is to be positive. Your attitude directly effects your job performance and we listed ways to help you keep a positive outlook about your job.

Sadly, I've noticed on some Facebook nanny groups a handful of caregivers not only think their opinions are more valuable than other nannies, but seem to nit-pick the parents that employ them. To be the best nanny you cannot waste your time being mad at, or criticizing your employers.

If you have problems at your job you must go to the source, your employers. While asking for general support and advice from other nannies on Facebook nanny support groups, and elsewhere, can be helpful, bashing parents to others isn't an effective way to fix the issues at your job.

As a nanny with 19-years experience I also know first hand how hard it is when you support a parenting philosophy when the parents have a different child-rearing style. Be it sleeping techniques, discipline, or how to potty train the children, nannies must always be humble and remember that we are the employee, and not the parents. You must always respect the parents child-rearing preferences.

I found the following in an article "5 Questions that Can Help You Evaluate Your Nanny Work Ethic" on FindANanny.Net  to help determine if you are humble at your job. Ask yourself the following questions:

1. Do you consider some of the tasks you are asked to do beneath you?
2. Do you place the needs of the children in your care above your own?
3. Do you think some of the things you have to do are demeaning?
4. Is your ego in check?
5. Do you share the successes of the children with the parents, or do you claim them for your own? Do you say “We potty trained him” or do you say “I potty trained him?”

Nannies with a strong work ethic put the needs of the children in their care before their own. They do whatever it takes meet the children’s needs, from changing diapers to cleaning up after a sick child, and always in a respectful way. Nannies with a strong work ethic take pride in themselves and in their work, but are not arrogant or boastful about their accomplishments. They are willing to share the success with all of the people who contributed to it and allow the parents to shine, perhaps even when they should shine brighter.

And I strongly feel, nannies who are able to not judge the parents too harshly and remain humble are happier and more successful employees.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for a great article on self-flagulation but you left out a very important piece of advice for your readers: "always remember that you do not have a life of your own ladies and never ever ever speak before the mistress!"otherwise bravo.
