Monday, July 6, 2009

Nanny and Au Pair Traveling Checklist

Yesterday we started discussing working while traveling with your employers' family.

In the June 2007 issue of Be the Best Nanny Newsletter we asked nannies and au pairs what they like to bring when traveling with their employers' family. Below is the list.

Checklist for Traveling:
1. Plenty of ZipLoc bags.
2. Proper legal documents.
3. Backpack (easier to carry than a diaper bag). Kids should carry their own light backpack too.
4. Emergency phone numbers and phone numbers of hotels.
5. Cell phones.
6. Photos of kids in case you get separated.
7. Baby wipes or travel wipes.
8. Travel potty seats, if needed.
9. Clothing, diapers, coats , swim suits, boots (as needed).
10. Pack a change of clothes to bring in carry-on bag.
11. Car seats.
12. Favorite pillow or blankie.
13. Sleeping bags (if needed).
14. Medicines and vitamins.
15. Sunscreen and toiletries.
16. First aid kit.
17. Bag of toys. Kids should carry their own backpack.
18. Crayons and coloring books.
19. IPOD or MP3 player.
20. Books.
21. Portable DVD player and favorite movies.
22. Healthy snacks, water, juice boxes, and baby food.
23. Bottles, pacifiers, rattles, soft baby toys, and baby mirrors.
24. Umbrella stroller (easier to transport and carry than big cumbersome strollers).

We appreciate these ideas shared by nannies and au pairs. Do you like to bring something we missed when traveling with your employers' family? Let us know your travel tips.


  1. This is a very complete list. Disposable camera for the kids is all I can think of.

    My former employer's daughter threw up on her in the plane ride home. Feel free to throw a light weight shrit for the adults too!

    Colleen, Austin TX

  2. I used to be a nanny but now I am a flight attendant.

    Don't bring water! Bring SMALL empty water bottles. Security doesn't let you bring liquids! If you have a baby bring the dry formual mix in premeasured amounts with small baby bottles. Typically you will have to purchase the water after passing through security. But, I think if you approached any food establishment or flight attendant once on the plane they would be happy to give you free water for a baby. (Can you imagine saying no to a hungry baby?)

    For older kids I don't like lollipops but when flying it helps for ear pressure. Pacifiers are good for ear pressure for babies.

    That is all I can think of.

  3. Don't rush the kids will sense your stress. Although nannies shouldn't rely on video games on a normal day, by all means bring video games and dvd players, just bring headphones too, no one else wants to hear the noise.
    Nanny Anne T., Indianapolis

  4. Great list of items that are frequently needed or wanted, but often times forgotten.
    Crayons and coloring books are a great light and compact activity to pack wherever you go!

  5. Isn't the saying "bring half the clothes and double the money" on vacation. But with kids I think you need to bring double the diapers and clothes. Half the bathing suits since you can just rinse them out and hang them to dry overnight in the hotel.
    Tonya, Bucks County PA

  6. hand sanitizer, 3oz size...
