Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Arts N' Craft for St. Patrick's Day

Shamrock Necklace

You Will Need:
Green and white construction paper
Hole punch
Shoelaces, ribbon, or yarn for stringing

  1. Cut several sizes of shamrocks from green and white construction paper.
  2. Punch a hole in the top of each shamrock.
  3. Give the child a shoelace (or length of ribbon, or yarn with masking tape wrapped on each end) and show him how to string the shamrocks to make a Saint Patrick's Day necklace.

This craft project can be found in:

Do you have any simple St. Patrick's Day arts 'n crafts projects you like would like to share with other nannies or au pairs?


  1. If you cut a green pepper in half, crossways (not from the stem down) it resembles a shamrock on the open end. We use it as a painting stamp...it's pretty easy for small hands to use (and you can always cut small finger holes in it if you need to.)

  2. I made this really quickly for the kids today before school. They have no green to wear! Can you believe it? We made quick necklaces as you describe here and wrote their names on the shamrock. That way they could go to school wearing green since it was green day!
    Crystal Knowles, Lenexa, KS
