Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cooking is Cool in the Fall

Weekly Trip to the Library for Nannies and Au Pairs

In Cooking is Cool in the Fall by Cindy Sardo, Mrs. Sheff is a magical teacher who loves to cook with her beloved students each day! She makes a unique collection of books, designed to teach children that cooking is cool! Begin a journey with the children in your life using these delightful tales full of recipes sure to capture your taste buds and find joy in cooking and eating healthy. Recipes are included in this first book of a series that includes one book for each season.

Author Cindy Sardo is a teacher at heart especially when it comes to teaching children to cook and eat healthy. Her inspirations to write these children's cookbooks are many, but her finicky eater, Sarah, has been the greatest. Before becoming a mommy, Cindy was a fourth grade classroom teacher for ten years. These experiences made for an excellent recipe to begin writing the Cooking's Cool collection.


  1. I love fall cooking. I made soup last week and apple crisp when it was cold. The kids love it too.

  2. I just got back from the farmer's market, and I have taken my charges too them as well. They pick out fruits and vegetables they want to eat, raw or cooked.
