Sunday, January 29, 2012

Working Overtime Doubles Depression Risk

Do You Work More Than 40-Hours Per Week?

A study released this week shows that working overtime doubles depression risk. Most nannies I know work more than 40-hours per week. And if you think the link between depression and work exists only in those who are unhappy with their jobs -- think again. The study finds that working long hours -- regardless of job stress or satisfaction - increases a person's risk for depression.

The study was published in the January 25 issue of the online journal PLoS ONE. "Although occasionally working overtime may have benefits for the individual and society, it is important to recognize that working excessive hours is also associated with an increased risk of major depression," study author Dr. Marianna Virtanen, an epidemiologist at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, said in a written statement.

Although the findings are "consistent with previous studies, the degree of increased risk was surprising," Dr. Bryan Bruno, chair of the psychiatry department at Lenox Hill Hospital, N.Y., told CNN. "The biggest condition that I work with is depression, and it is often related to work stressors."

Depression affects an estimated 1 in 10 U.S. adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Depression can worsen common chronic conditions, such as arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and can also result in increased work absenteeism and decreased productivity.


  1. I work 56.75 hours per week to the penny LOL. I am not compensated time and a half overtime.

  2. I work 50 - 55 hours per week depending on traffic and commute of the parents coming home from work.

  3. I work 50 hours per week. I am always tired but I don't know what else to do. I'm a career nanny so I don't really know how to change that when the parents have to go to work and it's a long day for them too.

  4. Yep, I work a 50hr week, 4 of those days being 11hrs long. I definitely feel it taking a toll, but there simply aren't many nanny jobs out there that don't require at least 50hrs a week, as most parents work 40hrs and need time to commute to and from work as well. There are far fewer jobs that would offer pay that is reasonable enough to not need the 50hrs anyways.

  5. I work 50 hours week, every week. I hate it but I have to pay the bills. I just keep telling myself it won't be forever.

  6. I work 50-60 hours/week and I'm compensated accordingly. I love my job and the family. Contract says 2 weeks paid vacation but its usually more like 5 weeks. Parents are always conscious of not burning me out. I work longer hours than my husband so he helps a lot around the house, I'm very grateful for that. We just make it work.
