Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Spirit of Thanksgiving for Nannies

More stuff does not guarantee happiness, serenity, or satisfaction.

Thanksgiving is an opportune time for reflection about the nature of thanks and appreciation, wants, and needs, desires versus necessities.

As nannies, we do not own a home the size of our boss' or posses the goods our employers have in abundance. Our charges often have bigger bedrooms and newer, more sophisticated electronics than the we do.

It is easy for many nannies to be envious. It is so easy to become fixated on jewelry, clothes, computers, and technological belongings. It is not uncommon to covet what we would like, even if we do not need it.

But envy is all-encompassing and debilitating. Envy saps the body and mind of resources and energy besides being time consuming.

Mature nannies understand that more stuff does not guarantee happiness, serenity, or satisfaction. In fact, the complications and stress from trying to "keep up with the Joneses" tends to impede the search for inner peace. Instead, we need to find joy in helping shape our charges and not feel a sense of entitlement.

This Thanksgiving be thankful for the blessings you find in your life, to appreciate the small things you may take for granted, and to celebrate the big things you tend to overlook. And to spread that joy of life to others.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

The kids I look after have WAY too much stuff!! Recently they relocated to Nana's house (while there house has a massive renovation done) and I suggested as they pack that they go through all the toys and give some away, stuff that the children no longer use....but that didn't happen, everything got boxed up....there are toys from when their 6yo was a baby, and the babies in the family are too old for those toys now....why keep them??

This family is sadly too much about the money and not enough about time with their gorgeous kids!! They buy and buy and buy so they don't have to spend time, and then they come home and produce these new toys at dinner time when I am trying to settle the children....NOT helpful....

Gosh, I really hope the family can't read this.....

Cheers All,
Sharon G xx