Do you want to make some changes? Would you like to learn more how to adopt some healthier habits? Does relationship or job stress find you feeling misunderstood or defensive, reluctant to ask others for help, reluctant to say "No," or unable to set limits? Do you ever feel you don't have enough time and there are too many demands on you?
If you ever feel like you can answer "Yes" to the questions above I highly recommend picking up a copy of The Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Handbook by David S. Sobel, MD and Robert Ornstein, PhD.
Years ago, after college and before working as a nanny, I held jobs in the field of psychology. One of the best resources for both the counselors and patients when I worked in that career field was The Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Handbook.
Throughout the years I continue to reference this book for topics of interest to nannies and au pairs such as effective communication, how to say "No," and the book also gives tips on how to relieve stress, improve your mood, deal with time pressure, and sleep better.
The book stresses that an overall sense of well-being and a positive outlook are very important to physical and mental health. This book not only explains the important benefits of a healthy mind and body in simple, understandable language, but gives practical ways to actually improve how you feel today.
The book is easy to read. It is organized into three sections: staying well, common problems, and medical care. There are 23 important topics to keeping healthy.
Within the self-help pages, the authors warn against unhealthy humor and includes what research shows about mood, immunity, and the common cold. But, I particularly like the worksheets to use to help determine how assertive you are, if you have hostile feelings, if are an optimist or pessimist, and the tips to taming your anger.
Despite the fact that my copy of The Healthy Mind, Healthy Body Handbook was published in 1996, I still find the material useful in my nanny work today. I recommend getting your copy if you are looking for assistance in making some healthy changes in your personal or work relationships.
1 comment:
I love your workshop on Assertiveness Training. You listed this as one of the resources and I kept wanting to buy it. I will now.
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