From The Money Classby Suze Orman
Great nannies wear many hats at their jobs including, but not limited to: childcare worker, tutor, nutritionist, and personal assistant. The best nannies are willing to pitch-in beyond just basic childcare duties to help the parents as well as caring for the kids, to keep their jobs in a difficult job market.
I'm not suggesting nannies should be disrespected or walked over like a doormat. But, I agree with Suze Orman, the author of The Money Class. that in an economy when there are plenty of job seekers ready and willing to scoop you your job at a lower pay rate, the employed should make their employer depend on them.
This week we have been sharing great advice from Suze Orman, the author of The Money Class: How to Stand in Your Truth and Create the Future You Deserve
She says, "Change your perspective -- and budget -- and you can reach your goal. I think that idea is especially timely in how you manage your career."
Orman continues, "As we all know, finding a new job is not exactly a snap these days. As I write, there are five job seekers for every job opening. I you are unhappy in your current job, my advice is to take a step back and see how you might be able to make it work for you, so to speak."
"The truth you must stand in is that in this lousy job market, the job you have is a great job, for it is a job. And I want to be very clear: You cannot afford to walk away from any job without having another one lined up," says Orman.
Orman says, "Don't just complain you are unhappy; offer up ideas on new challenges [at work] you could take on that would make you happy, And don't tie it to a pay raise. Do the work first, and the pay will follow. That's just the way it has to be in these economic times."
"I also want you to think of how you can change your life away from work, to make the work less frustrating. Hobbies. Working out more... You can fix a lousy job by reducing its impact on your waking hours. Change your attitude, or your perspective, or your priorities, and watch how things fall into place," suggests Orman.
But, if being mistreated and underpaid, and you feel you need to find a new job, please have a new job lined-up before giving notice because the unemployment statistics are still sobering.
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