Monday, May 4, 2009

Trials and Tribulations of Raising Siblings

Last week we started discussing siblings. But with so much news about the swine flu we got a little side tracked. So this week we will continue discussing siblings.

In the book, 365 Ways to Raise Great Kids, Sheila Ellison writes, "Siblings have the unique opportunity of going through life together, growing into adulthood side by side, sharing the same parent, and sharing life experiences.

Children do not always see the great value in having a sibling. To a child, a sibling can be a friend one day and an enemy the another. A sibling can share a great secret or give a great secret away. A sibling can be a their side in distress, or can lead the attack party.

As [caregivers] the best we can do is encourage communication, love, and respect, trusting that there is a rive of love that floats beneath them even when they are not in the same boat. So, even if today a child cannot see the value of their sibling, someday they will."

Sheila Ellison shares wonderful ideas on how to encourage the sibling relationship, which we will share with you this week. Feel free to share your trials and tribulations of caring for siblings.

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