Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nanny and Au Pair / Student Homework Contract

The Homework Contract

Kids are back in school and nannies and au pairs can help children complete their school assignments before the parents arrive home from work each weeknight.

Developing a homework schedule is vital to homework success. After having a healthy snack and a few minutes to relax and tell you about their day, children should be expected to complete homework before other activities (when possible). Once homework is complete, then they can play.

To develop good study habits nannies and au pairs can make a Homework Contract that spells out what is expected of the student and caregiver.

First, make a checklist for each day of the week and every subject the student is studying at school. As they complete each assignment everyday the student should check the box that the subject is done. If no assignment is due in that subject fill in N/A for not applicable. Leave the subject blank if the student needs extra help when the mother or father arrives home after work that evening.

After explaining the checklist to the child, be sure to have parents, nanny or au pair, and child sign the Homework Contract. Be patient, as learning a new habit takes consistency and time.

Homework Rules:
1. The homework area to study will be:
2. Assignment notebook will be checked by nanny and student before starting homework.
3. All homework and school materials are to be placed in backpack for the next day of school by student.
4. No homework in front of TV, with music on, or talking on the phone during homework time.
5. Homework time will be used to study from workbooks Mommy bought for student if no current assignments are due.
6. If nanny and student cannot complete assignments tell the parents to ensure the parents can help the student complete their homework.
If you would like a clear copy of the homework contract posted here simply email Stephanie @ Best Nanny Newsletter .com (with no spaces) and we can email you a version of the contract to print out yourself.
Do you have any tips on helping children learn good study habits?


Anonymous said...

This is a great article. I am a host mom and local childcare coordinator for Cultural Care Au Pair. I have a host mom who has had au pairs for many years and she says that having an au pair has been great in helping her kids establish great study habits. They have a regular routine after school related to homework. She sets it up each day, and it is carried out au pair to au pair. Her kids do very well in school and she credits a lot of it to the study habits they have developed and the consistent homework routine they have with their au pair.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I will incorporate it for each child I care for. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Very helpful as a guide. We will be adding to the list as well. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else feel uncomfortable making contracts, checklists, or rules for the children they care for? I think I am more of a mother's helper than a nanny because this homework contract idea is great but not something I could start where I work. The mother works from home and is constantly micromanaging everything I do. We just do not have that type of relationship where I can suggest ideas.

Anonymous said...

We have really been struggling with homework and the contract is a SUPER IDEA. I will definitely talk to the parents about it today. Finding so much information on this site. Just wonderful to be spoken (written) to like smart and caring like nannies are. Thanks, Pattie O' Nanny to two, Household Manager, Personal Assitant, Nutritionist
Providence RI