In New Jersey (NJ) the law, known as the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, became effective this September. The Anti-Bullying Law is considered the toughest legislation against bullying in the nation. Each NJ school must designate an antibullying specialist to investigate complaints; each district must, in turn, have an antibullying coordinator; and the State Education Department will evaluate every effort, posting grades on its Web site. Superintendents said that educators who failed to comply could lose their licenses.
Click here for some sobering statistics on bullying.
Below is a great book review by Elizabeth Kennedy to help start the discussion about bullying with children.
Oliver Button is a Sissy by Tomie dePaola
Oliver Button Is a Sissy
His mother tells him he needs to get some exercise, and when Oliver mentions he likes to dance, his parents enroll him in Ms. Leah’s Dancing School. His father says it is, "Especially for the exercise." Oliver loves to dance and loves his shiny new tap shoes. However, it hurts his feelings when the other boys make fun of him. One day when he arrives at school, he sees that someone has written on the school wall, "Oliver Button is a sissy."
Despite the teasing and other bullying, Oliver continues dance lessons. In fact, he increases his practice time in hopes of winning the big talent show. When his teacher encourages the other students to attend and root for Oliver, the boys in his class whisper, "Sissy!" Although Oliver hopes to win and does not, both of his parents are very proud of his dancing ability.
After losing the talent show, Oliver is reluctant to go back to school and be teased and bullied again. Imagine his surprise and delight when he walks into the schoolyard and discovers that someone has crossed out the word "sissy" on the school wall and added a new word. Now the sign reads, "Oliver Button is a star!"
I love Oliver Button Is a Sissy
However, what I like best about Oliver Button Is a Sissy
What books for kids or teens about bullies and bullying do you recommend?
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