According to The Diaper Jungle it is estimated that each baby will use 6,000 to 8,000 diapers. When using disposable diapers that costs $3,000 and $4,000 dollars per baby. In comparison, enough cloth diapers to last for three years cost between $300 to $800 hundred dollars. At a minimum that is about a $2,200 dollar savings. And even though there is a cost to use electricity and water to wash cloth diapers these costs are infinitesimal compared to the cost of expensive disposable diapers.
Toxic chemicals are present in disposable diapers too such as trace amounts of Dioxin (Listed by the EPA as the most toxic of cancer related chemicals), Tributyl-tin (TBT)and sodium polyacrylate. In comparison, cloth diapers are free of the chemicals contained in disposable diapers.
Eighty percent of the diapering in the United States are done with disposables. They are the third largest single product in the waste stream behind newspapers and beverage containers.
My favorite cloth diaper is GroVia System.
When the soaker pad is wet, simply snap in a fresh soaker pad. Change the outer shell twice a day and inner as needed. Washing Organic cotton inners must be washed/dried on hot three times prior to first use and doesn't reach it's full absorbency until approximately six to eight washes.Wash hot and tumble dry before use. Remove as much solid matter as possible. Place soiled soaker pads in a dry diaper pail -- no soaking is necessary. Wash every two days. Start with a cold rinse. Wash in hot water with half the amount of recommended detergent (depends on detergent). Do an extra rinse if desired. Tumble dry or hang outside for extra freshness and to remove stains. Do not use bleach, enzyme cleaners, or fabric softeners.
Reference: The Jungle Diaper
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